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The tumultuous events of summer 2009 have brought Uighur protests and minority mobilization in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (XUAR) to the forefront. But this focus overlooks similar protests organized by various groups of Han Chinese settlers over the years. This paper contributes to the body of literature on minority mobilization and ethnic relations in Xinjiang by illustrating how the political mobilization of a group that is simultaneously a national majority and a regional minority differs substantially from ‘traditional’ minority mobilization. Reviewing the main instances of Han Chinese political mobilization since the XUAR was created in 1955, I argue that two factors are particularly important in enabling their mobilization: the Han Chinese's subjective perception of discrimination and their close ethnic ties to the state. This paper concludes with a discussion on the presence of a cycle of protests between Han settlers and the Uighurs in Xinjiang.  相似文献   
ERCC4 plays an essential role in the nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathway, which is involved in the removal of a wide variety of DNA lesions. To determine whether the ERCC4 tagging SNPs (tSNPs) are associated with risk of gastric cancer, we conducted a hospital-based case-control study of 350 cases and 468 cancer-free controls. In the logistic regression (LR) analysis, we found a significantly decreased risk of gastric cancer associated with the rs744154 GC/CC genotypes [adjusted odds ratio (OR) = 0.56, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.42–0.75, false discovery rate (FDR) P = 0.003] compared with the wild-type GG genotype. Haplotype-based association study revealed that the CGC haplotype that containing the rs744154 C allele can decrease the risk of gastric cancer compared with the most common haplotype GGT (adjusted OR = 0.61, 95% CI = 0.46–0.81). Using the multifactor dimensionality reduction (MDR) analysis, we identified that the SNP rs744154 and smoking status were the best two predictive factors for gastric cancer with a testing accuracy of 55.76% and a perfect cross-validation consistency (CVC) of 10 (P = 0.001). Furthermore, the smokers with the rs744154 GC/CC genotypes showed a decreased risk of gastric cancer (adjusted OR = 0.55, 95% CI = 0.35–0.85) compared with the smokers with the GG genotype using multivariate LR analysis. The above findings consistently suggested that genetic variants in the ERCC4 gene may play a protective role in the etiology of gastric cancer, even in the smokers.  相似文献   
目前尚未见中国各地汉族成人皮褶厚度的综合研究。于2009年至2013年在中国22个省测量了汉族成人26928例(男13221例,女13707例)的面颊皮褶、肱二头肌皮褶、肱三头肌皮褶、肩胛下皮褶、髂嵴上皮褶、小腿内侧皮褶的厚度,计算体脂肪率。运用u检验对城乡间皮褶厚度值进行比较,对6项皮褶厚度与纬度、经度、年龄进行相关分析。研究发现,总的说来,随纬度的减少(从北向南)、经度的增加(从西向东)、年龄的增加,汉族男性皮褶厚度增大,皮下脂肪增厚。随纬度的增加(从南向北)、年龄的增长,汉族女性皮褶厚度增大,皮下脂肪增厚,体脂率(PBF)增大。城市汉族男性皮褶厚度值均大于乡村汉族男性,城市女性肩胛下皮褶、小腿内侧皮褶厚度值接近于乡村女性,其余4项皮褶厚度值大于乡村女性(P<0.01)。城市男性PBF值大于乡村男性,城市女性PBF值小于乡村女性。城市男性、女性与乡村男性、女性均为肩胛下皮褶最厚、髂嵴上皮褶次之,以肱二头肌皮褶最为菲薄。  相似文献   
分别从青海和甘肃采集高原型藏羊(Ovis aries)和小尾寒羊睾丸各20枚,用血管铸型技术和扫描电镜方法,研究两品种绵羊睾丸小叶及附睾微动脉的超微形态特征。结果显示,两品种绵羊的睾丸小叶及附睾微动脉走形呈一定程度的弯曲,其中睾丸小叶内离心动脉、离心小动脉及向心小动脉均呈"树枝"状分布。研究发现,与低海拔地区的小尾寒羊相比,高原型藏羊睾丸的绳结状动脉具有更密集的螺旋状排布,小动脉分支也较多,并且向心动脉、绳结状动脉、离心动脉、附睾头微动脉的管径也较粗。此外,高原型藏羊睾丸小叶和附睾头微动脉表面的"梭形"压痕较浅,而小尾寒羊的则较深;高原型藏羊睾丸小叶毛细血管前微动脉的表面缢痕较多且密集,而小尾寒羊的则相对少而稀疏。研究认为,高原型藏羊睾丸小叶及附睾微动脉的超微形态特征,有利于血管的收缩、睾丸供血及高原环境下精子的成熟,是睾丸对高原环境的适应性特征。  相似文献   
通过比较绵羊(Ovis aries)的两个品种,生活于高海拔(4500 m)地区的藏绵羊与相对低海拔(2080m)地区小尾寒羊雄性生殖器官的组织结构特征,以探讨哺乳动物生殖器官适应高原环境的组织结构基础。采集成年藏绵羊与小尾寒羊的睾丸、附睾、输精管,运用大体解剖、石蜡切片及常规H.E,染色方法,比较二者生殖器官的组织结构差异。结果显示,藏绵羊附睾头和附睾体管腔内的纤毛较长,而附睾尾管腔内的纤毛较短,呈清晰的刷状缘结构,输精管平滑肌细胞较多,固有膜和黏膜层粘连紧密,且形成较明显的不规则皱襞。与小尾寒羊相比,藏绵羊曲细精管的横切面直径、面积和生精上皮的厚度均显著降低(P<0.05);精原细胞和初级精母细胞的直径及面积显著降低(P<0.05),且支持细胞数也显著减少(P<0.05);附睾头、附睾体、附睾尾的管腔内径和外径及纤毛长度均显著减小(P<0.05);附睾体的柱状上皮厚度显著增高(P<0.05),而输精管管腔直径、平滑肌厚度均显著降低(P<0.05)。研究认为,藏绵羊在高海拔低氧环境的长期适应过程中,其生殖器官的组织结构发生了--定的适应性改变,可能与其在高原环境下正常繁殖性能的维持有关。  相似文献   
调查德州汉族人群598名男性无关个体37个Y-STR基因座的遗传多态性,分析其在法医学和群体遗传学方面的应用价值,用AGCU Y37荧光检测试剂盒对德州汉族群体的37个Y-STR基因座进行扩增,用3500xL基因分析仪对其进行检测。用MEGA 7.0软件,通过邻接法(neighbor-joining, NJ)构建德州汉族群体和其他15个参考群体的系统发生树,探索群体间的遗传关系。结果共检出593种单倍型,基因多样性(genetic diversity, GD)值为0.113 9(DYS645)~0.971 4(DYS385a/b),单倍型多样性(haplotype diversity, HD)和识别能力(discriminative capacity, DC)分别为0.999 971 989和0.991 6。结果表明,这37个Y-STR基因座在德州汉族人群中有较高的多态性分布。群体遗传分析中,遗传距离、多维尺度分析( multi-dimensional scaling,MDS) 和系统发生树分析结果表明,德州汉族与其他地区的汉族群体遗传距离更近。不同群体的遗传特征与语系划分、历史形成、地理分布等方面具有一致性。研究结果可为德州汉族人群的法庭科学和群体遗传学研究提供基础数据支持。  相似文献   
为了调查X染色体上DXS6804、DXS9896和GATA144D04等3个STR基因座在中国汉族群体的遗传多态性及其法医学应用价值,来用PCR和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳对X染色体3个STR基因座进行分型,并检验女性基因型频率分布是否符合Hardy Weinberg平衡,计算法医学常用各种概率。DXS6804、DXS9896和GATA144D04的非父排除率分别为0 5990、0 6220、0 4280,表明3个STR基因座在中国汉族群体均具有遗传多态性,χ2检验表明女性的基因型频率分布符合Hardy Weinberg平衡。X染色体上的基因座DXS6804、DXS9896和GATA144D04在中国汉族群体中具有较高的遗传多态性,可应用于法医学检验和群体遗传学分析。  相似文献   
冀南地区汉族人群皮纹分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了冀南地区健康汉族医学生1020例(男性510人, 女性510人)的皮纹, 探讨了冀南地区正常汉族群体皮纹特点。结果发现: 冀南地区群体指纹频率顺序: 尺箕纹>斗形纹>弓形纹>桡箕纹; 十指指纹类型分布有显著差异; 两性斗形纹分布有显著差异; 两手弓形纹分布有差异但不显著; 指纹纹型分布有极高对称性; 同名指指纹组合频率排序为L/L>W/W>L/W>A/L>A/A>A/W; 五指的FRC有显著差别、两性的TFRC有差异, 但不显著; 两性T/I、III、IV的真实花样出现率有差异。因此, 本文认为指纹分布具有同型组合极高亲和性、异型组合不相容性; 皮纹发育形成主要受遗传因素控制, 也受性别影响; 冀南地区人群可能与山东省、辽宁省同属中国汉族北方群同一亚群。  相似文献   
为获得广东汉族皮纹密度的基本参数, 在知情同意原则基础上采集18—21岁在校学生掌纹307例(男157人,女150人), 体视显微镜下测量掌纹嵴线, 计算皮纹密度。结果表明a-bRC、b-cRC、c-dRC、a-dRC和t-dRC分别是36.19±5.58、25.86±5.21、32.83±5.57、75.43±13.11和90.66±13.50,除c-dRC外,都是男>女。a-bDD、b-cDD、c-dDD、a-dDD、t-dDD和ΔatdDD分别是16.76±1.98、17.68±2.39、16.89±1.85、14.49±2.24、14.42±1.67和5.54±0.75,均为女>男。广东汉族皮纹密度与江西汉族和西藏藏族有一定差异。广东汉族皮纹密度有自己的特点, 这与民族渊源和生活环境的差异有关。  相似文献   
Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is the infectious etiologic agent associated with Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS), primary effusion lymphoma, and multicentric Castleman disease. It has been shown that high KSHV prevalence and high incidence of both classic KS and AIDSassociated KS are found mostly among people of Uygur ethnicity in Xinjiang, while people of Han ethnicity in Xinjiang have a higher KSHV seroprevalence than those of other Han populations in mainland China. However, it is still unclear why there is such geographical and population variation in KSHV distribution in China. In this work, we focused on the populations in the Kashgar region and Urumqi area, where a total of 1294 research subjects were randomly selected to investigate the potential correlation between KSHV prevalence and different ethnicities in endemic areas of Xinjiang, and to determine risk factors that may affect KSHV infection rates or KS incidence. We identified a high seroprevalence of KSHV and high peripheral blood DNA infection in the general Uygur and Han populations in both Urumqi and Kashgar regions of Xinjiang, and determined that advancing age, low education level, and stationary population status affect KSHV infection rates. Further, KSHV-positive Uygur participants were shown to have higher prevalence of neutralizing antibodies and neutralizing antibody titers than KSHV-positive Han participants.
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